So my 4:10 prediction didn't come true, but I really wasn't that far off. Riley was born with fanfare and a great push at 6:17pm (2 minutes off Tressa's predicted 6:15pm time). She is quite a bit smaller than the boys were- weighing in at 5lbs 11oz and 19in. She's just a little bitty thing... Now that you got the headline, it you care, I'll give you some more details about the labor. (feel free to skip down to the pictures if you don't care..)
As mentioned in my previous post, We went to the hospital with broken water and no contractions. They tested the fluid just to make sure that she wasn't lying. She was scheduled to be induced on that day until they called and said they didn't have any room for her. I guess she showed them. So after they found out she wasn't lying, they hooked her up to an IV and started the drugs to get her to start contractions. They wanted to get the contractions going regularly before they gave her the Epidural. It really didn't take very long, maybe 3 hours, and she was ready for the big needle. She took it like a champ and started to go numb. I took this a sign that I didn't have to give any footrubs so I sat back, relaxed, and played some cards with Tressa and her sisters.
After Tressa got the epidural, it was just a matter of waiting for her cervix to open enough for her to push. Again this only took a couple hours and she was ready to rock. Once the pushing commenced, it only took about 15 minutes and we had ourselves a beautiful baby girl. Tressa was a rockstar through the whole labor, didn't complain and was perfectly pleasant the whole time. It was definately our best labor experience to date.
The first thing I noticed about Riley is how much she looked like the boys. She was a little carbon copy of both of them, just a different set of plumbing. Also, she is the quietest baby ever, she gave a little yelp right after she was born and then just sat there quietly and watched what was going on around her. I was most worried that I wouldn't here her when she woke up in the middle of the night (which did in fact happen, as I'm sure Tressa will hold over my head for the rest of our lives). She hasn't really cried much at all. She is also a power nurser, she has been really good about eating from the start and enjoys her marathon nursing sessions with her mommy.
That's all I have for now, as mentioned before, Tressa will post later with many more pictures I'm sure... Enjoy the couple pictures I have for now.
Tressa was wearing her long pink ringed socks (not pictured due to network sensorship) |
Riley and Mommy (with sparkely headband) Aren't they so cute? |