- I love to decorate! Period, exclamation point, the end. Since moving in, and getting us all set up, I have been feeling the need for a new project. Our bedroom is the one room that is definitely lacking. Now I am eyeing some of the bed sets from CSN to help me spruce it up. We have had ours since we first got married and frankly they are falling apart! Now we have a chance to review something from them, my dream would be a bedroom set like this...

but I think Jesse wants something a little more practical like a laptop bag...
We'll probably end up with something we really need like flatware...

But that is the great thing about CSN, no matter what you are looking for, they have it!
- Our super awesome giveaway going on HERE for a Jessica's Gifts "Heart" to run necklace, will now end around 9 pm Pacific time so I can pick the winner tonight in order to be able to post it for you all tomorrow before I leave super early for...
- Portland! I am so excited. I have been to the Marathon before, but never to the Expo. Oh, and don't kid yourselves I am not running, just a supportive, spectating friend. Stacie will be picking me up in the early am to head down for a day of shopping and eating and then Jesse will join me for a kidless night at his brothers, followed by a day of hollering and woo-hooing and more eating at the race! It should be great! And good luck to all the runners!
- I've ordered our trainer, just waiting for it to get here. I'm really hoping it will allow me some bike time and that it will result in helping my knees!
- No lyme news yet, still waiting on the blood tests. Did rapidly lose about 7lbs though, so if it isn't lymes disease I should probably head back in and figure out what is going on because my knees are messed up and isn't from running!
- We are now at 98 followers! How cool is that! 98 people, only 3 or 4 of which are related to me, have chosen to "Suit Up" with us! Thanks for Following guys. If I haven't gotten around to you yet, I want to but as you can tell from my times, I am just really slow! But that means we are only 2 followers away from a big, sockalicious giveaway!
Ok, think that is all the updates I have for you in Track Coach and Adorable Wife's World! If you are running this weekend, good luck. If you are just chilling watching Kona, even better luck that the system doesn't crash! I'll try to leave you with a most awesome video to make all of your weekends start out on the right, possum, I mean foot!
haha I used to watch those videos all the time! Thanks for the laugh!
Ow, my stomach lining!
oh my goodness! :) Hope they get the lyme disease thing figured out and you start feeling better ASAP!! Look forward to meeting you!!
ahhh, and look at that 100 followers, now!! congrats!
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